Section 1: Globalization and Neoliberalism: Dominating Disciplines 1. Globalization's Dimensions 2. The Ascendancy of Neoliberalism and Emergence of Contemporary Globalization Section 2: Globalization's Many Dimensions Globalization's Macro-Economic Faces Financial Globalization 3. Global Financial Architecture Transitions: Mutations through 'Roll-back' Neoliberalism to Technocratic Fixes 4. Multi-local Global Corporations: New Reach - Same Core Locations 5. Systems of Production and International Competitiveness: Prospects for the Developing Nations Globalization's Unruly Spaces The Globalization of Labor 6. Globalization of Labor: Increasing Complexity, More Unruly Illegal Globalization 7. Unruly spaces: Globalization and Transnational Criminal Economies Globalization's Geo-Political Faces Political Globalization 8. Geo-Political Globalization: From World Systems to Global City Systems Geographical Globalization 9. Globalization has a Home Address: The Geopolitics of Globalization Cultural Globalization 10. The Globalization of Culture: Geography and the Industrial Production of Culture The Globalization of Fear 11. 'The Globalization of Fear: Fear as a Technology of Governance Section 3: AlternativeVisions: Constructive, Democratic and Hopeful Ecological Globalization 12. The Neoliberalization of the Global Environment Globalization's Cultural Challenges 13. Globalization's Cultural Challenges: Homogenization, Hybridization and Heightened Identity Globalization from Below 14. Globalization from Below: Coordinating Global Resistance: Alternative Social Forums, Civil Society and Grassroots Networks Towards 'Fair Globalization' 15. Towards 'Fair Globalization' : Opposing Neoliberal Destruction, Relying on democratic Institutions & Local Empowerment, and Sustaining Human Development
Since the 1980s, globalization and neoliberalism have brought about a restructuring of everyone's lives. This collection of treatments of such a complex set of processes unearths the contradictions in the impacts of globalization.