Bültmann & Gerriets
Optical Interference and Dynamic Diffraction
Research methods for undergraduates
von Jenny Magnes, Harold M. Hastings, Juan Merlo-Ramirez
Verlag: Institute of Physics Publishing
Reihe: IOP Series in Advances in Optics, Photonics and Optoelectronics
E-Book / EPUB
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ISBN: 978-0-7503-4836-2
Erscheint im Dezember 2025
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 200 Seiten

Preis: 103,99 €

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zum Hardcover 97,00 €

Preface: Research at the undergraduate level
1. Optical interference -the ground work for this book by defining waves and how
they interfere. Important concepts discussed will be phase shifts and beat
frequencies. 2. Diffraction - Basic principles of diffraction with applications. Uses and limitations
of diffraction will be discussed. We will begin with commonly known
approximations of the well-known Youngs double slit experiment.
3. Far-field Diffraction - This is one of the most widely used types of diffraction.
Analytical calculations of diffraction patterns are presented using Fourier
Transforms. We will demonstrate that the patterns themselves are optical Fourier
Transforms and use this to develop the effects of translation and rotation of an
object upon its far field diffraction pattern. We will compare calculations to actual
4. Computing Diffraction Patterns - An introduction to the use of the commonly
known Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using computer code. This tool allows for the
calculation of the diffraction pattern due to any shape.
5. Dynamic Diffraction - This chapter brings together previous chapters and
explores diffraction patterns of moving objects. The extraction of useful
information and modeling is explained. We will explain how "modern dynamical
systems: contributes to the understanding of dynamic diffraction signals.
6. Image Reconstruction - Optional. How can we retrieve an image from a
diffraction pattern? This chapter discusses image reconstruction and the
underlying algorithm.
7. Applications - What kind of insights have been gained through the use of
diffraction? Examples include crystallography, spectrometry and more.

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