"Roy Weintraub retells the history of twentieth-century economics through a series of engagements--duels of intellect and imagination--between individual members of two scientific communities: the mathematicians and the economists. A totally original, idiosyncratic, and highly personal account which illuminates brilliantly not just how economics became mathematized, but how mathematics cut free from the objects of science."--Mary S. Morgan, London School of Economics and University of Amsterdam
1. Burn the Mathematics (Tripos)
2. The Marginalization of Griffith C. Evans
3. Whose Hilbert?
4. Bourbaki and Debreu
5. Negotiating at the Boundary (with Ted Gayer)
6. Equilibrium Proofmaking (with Ted Gayer)
7. Sidney and Hal
8. From Bleeding Hearts to Desiccated Robots
9. Body, Image, Person