Orthodox Readings of Augustine examines the theological engagement with the preeminent Latin theologian Augustine of Hippo in the Orthodox context. Augustine was not widely read in the East until many centuries after his death. However, following his re-introduction in the thirteenth century, the Latin Church Father served as an ecumenical figure, offering Latin and Byzantine theologians a thinker with whom they could bridge linguistic, cultural, and confessional divides.
Contributors: Lewis Ayres, John Behr, David Bradshaw, Brian E. Daley, George E. Demacopoulos, Elizabeth Fisher, Reinhard Flogaus, Carol Harrison, David Bentley Hart, Joseph T. Lienhard, Andrew Louth, Jean-Luc Marion, Aristotle Papanikolaou, and David Tracy
Aristotle Papanikolaou (Edited By)
Aristotle Papanikolaou is Archbishop Demetrios Chair of Orthodox Theology and Culture and Professor of Theology at Fordham University.
George E. Demacopoulos (Edited By)
George E. Demacopoulos is Fr. John Meyendorff & Patterson Family Chair of Orthodox Christian Studies and Professor of Theology at Fordham University.
Acknowledgments | 7
Texts and Abbreviations | 9
Augustine and the Orthodox: "The West" in the East
George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou
Fordham University | 11
Planoudes' De Trinitate, the Art of Translation, and the Beholder's Share
Elizabeth Fisher
The George Washington University | 41
The Use of St Augustine in the Hesychast Controversy
Reinhard Flogaus
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | 63
Augustine of Hippo, Basil of Caesarea, and Gregory Nazianzen
Joseph T. Lienhard, SJ
Fordham University | 81
Making a Human Will Divine:
Augustine and Maximus on Christ and Human Salvation
Brian E. Daley, SJ
University of Notre Dame | 101
Sempiterne Spiritus Donum:
Augustine's Pneumatology and the Metaphysics of Spirit
Lewis Ayres
Emory University | 127
Calling upon God as Father: Augustine and the Legacy of Nicaea
John Behr
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary | 153
Idipsum: The Name of God according to Augustine
Jean-Luc Marion
The University of Chicago / Université Paris Sorbonne | 167
The Hidden and the Manifest:Metaphysics after Nicaea
David Bentley Hart
Providence College | 191
Augustine the Metaphysician
David Bradshaw
University of Kentucky | 227
De profundis: Augustine's Reading of Orthodoxy
Carol Harrison
Durham University | 253
Augustine's Christomorphic Theocentrism
David Tracy
The University of Chicago | 263
"Heart in Pilgrimage": St Augustine as Interpreter of the Psalms
Andrew Louth
Durham University | 291
Index | 305