The volume brings together an international group of experts on the question of verification. Their essays examine the record of successes and failures of verification under existing treaties, the importance of verification in the context of negotiations and the prospects for progress on the arms control agenda.
Preface -- Introduction -- Arms Limitation and Control: Improving the Institutional Mechanisms for Resolving Compliance Issues -- The Technical Basis for Verification of a Low Threshold or Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty -- Verification of Compliance with the ABM Treaty and with Limits on Space Weapons -- Verified Elimination of Nuclear Warheads and Disposition of Contained Nuclear Materials* -- Verifying a Production Cutoff for Nuclear Explosive Material: Strategies for Verification and the Role of the IAEA -- Verifying START -- Verification and Chemical-Warfare Weapons -- Verification of Biological and Toxin Weapons Disarmament -- Verification and Conventional Arms Reductions * -- The Elimination of Nuclear Arsenals: Is It Desirable? Is It Feasible? -- Arms-Control Verification in a Changing World -- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs -- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs