This title explores philosophical aspects of the relationship between language and being. Drawing on western classical works and day-to-day examples from the Chinese context, the author argues that man lives within language, has to live within language, and is governed by formulaic speech events.
Guanlian Qian is a professor at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. His research interests are the philosophy of language and pragmatics.
Preamble. Preface 1: Grabbing a language means grabbing its thoughts. Preface 2. Preface 3. Preface 4: Finally, I'm back home! Preface for the English edition. 1 Introduction. 2 Philosophical and Pragmatic Perspectives. 3 Language: Mankind's Last Homestead. 4 Language Betraying Human Beings: The Paradox of "Language Being Mankind's Last Homestead". 5 Choosing Not to Speak. Postscript: Picking the Grapes within My Reach.