Applied Theatre and Gender Justice is a collection of essays highlighting the value and efficacy of using applied theatre to address gender in a broad range of settings, identifying challenges, and offering concrete best practices.
Lisa S. Brenner is a professor of theatre at Drew University, where she teaches dramaturgy, theatre history, and applied theatre. Her theatre experience includes dramaturgy, devising, directing, and playwriting.
Evelyn Diaz Cruz is a professor of theatre at the University of San Diego, where she teaches playwriting, acting, theatre of diversity, and theatre and community. Her theatre experience includes playwriting, directing, and acting.
Part 1: Igniting Eco-activism 1. Decolonizing the Conversation: Sustainable Development Performances in Egypt 2. Patnaik's Cyco Theatre in India: Grassroots Environmental and Gender Activism 3. Resisting Ecological Colonialism in the Niger Delta: Indigenous Women and the Beni Kamai Festival Theatre Part 2: Inspiring Playful Interventions 4. Picking up the Sequins: Drag Storytime Performances, Applied Theatre, and Queer Joy 5. Facilitating Gender Awareness with First Drop Theatre: Applied Theatre in Indian Workplaces 6. Yassified Shakespeare: The Case for TikTok as Applied Theatre Part 3: Affecting Responses to Violence 7. Facilitating Afecto in Resistance to Violence: Patricia Ariza's Work with Female Victims of Colombia's Armed Conflict 8. Moving Women from the Margins to the Center of History: After/Life and the 1967 Detroit Rebellion 9. No Seriously, Humor is Important Part 4: Reclaiming Bodily Autonomy 10. The Billboard #TrustBlackWomen: Abortion as Self-Care 11. Challenging Ableist Views of Motherhood: Mind The Gap's Daughters of Fortune 12. The Maternal Ground on Which I Stand: Developing A Solo Performance within the Harris Matriarchy Part 5: Affirming Identity with Youth 13. Negotiating Gender (in)Justice: The Politics of Visibility in the Performing Justice Project 14. Queering Playback Theatre 15. ART Built on Trust and Solidarity: Creating Applied Theatre with Girls and Nonbinary Teens Part 6: Expanding the Definitions 16. Performing Vulnerability, Voicing Resistance: Women's Spoken Word Poetry in Trinidad and Tobago 17. Tools for Equity and Collaboration 18. The Art of Genderbending: Fighting Hegemonic Gender Ideology with Chinese Martial Arts