1. Introduction; 2. Out of the closet: a program for the Whig history of economic science; 3. A corrected version of Hume's equilibrating mechanism for international trade; 4. Quesnay's tableau économique as a theorist would formulate it today; 5. The canonical classical model of political economy; 6. A modern theorist's vindication of Adam Smith; 7. A modern treatment of the Ricardian economy: the pricing of goods and of labor and land services; 8. A modern treatment of the Ricardian economy: capital and interest aspects of the pricing problem; 9. Mathematical vindication of Ricardo on machinery; 10. Thünen at two hundred; 11. Wages and interest: a modern dissection of Marxian economic models; 12. Marx as mathematical economist: steady-state and exponential growth equilibrium; 13. What classical and neoclassical monetary theory really was; 14. A modern postmortem on Böhm's capital theory: its vital normative flaw shared by pre-Sraffian mainstream capital theory; 15. Schumpeter as economic theorist; 16. D. A. Robertson (1890-1963); 17. Lord Keynes and the general theory; 18. The monopolistic competition revolution.