Costas explores the hidden underworld of Berlin's Potsdamer Platz, where cleaners seek dignity through work yet find it elusive. This book will appeal to anyone interested in taking a behind-the-scenes look at the working lives of cleaners who largely remain invisible yet cater to most of us.
Jana Costas is Chair of People, Work & Management at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. She is the co-author of Secrecy at Work: The Hidden Architecture of Organizational Life (2016). Awards include the European Union Marie Curie Fellowship and the Best-Critical-Paper Award 2020 of the Academy of Management.
1. The corporate micro-city Potsdamer Platz: Cleaners' presence from below; 2. Characters from the corporate underworld: Alex, Ali, Luisa, and Marcel; 3. From feces to flowers: The sweat, shame, disgust, pride and fun of working with dirt; 4. Separate in the same boat: Others and allies among cleaners; 5. When worlds collide: Cleaners at work in the upperworld; 6. 'Back to the dark side': Cleaners' tactics against surveillance; 7. Leaving the minus area behind; Postscript; Bibliography; Appendix; Index.