List of Illustrations
Prologue (2018)
1. Farewell to Cuba (1961)
2. Good Morning, America (1961-1962)
3. Hungry in Miami (1961)
4. A Gate to the Real America (1962)
5. Foreigner in a Foreign Land (1962-1965)
6. Surviving Evangelical Fundamentalism (1962-1965)
7. Knowing Myself (1962-1965)
8. Make Love, Not War (1965-1966)
9. Becoming a Medievalist (1966-1969)
10. Pilgrimage to Europe (1969-1971)
11. Landing a Job, with Verve (1971)
12. Buffalo Department of Philosophy (1971-1973)
13. The Vocation and Profession of Philosophy (1975)
14. Two Alternative Research Programs (1971-1974)
15. Medieval Philosophy (1975-1985)
16. Latin American Philosophy in the United States (1939-1985)
17. From Rookie to Chair (1980-1986)
18. Beyond Medieval and Latin American Philosophy (1990-2000)
19. The Call of Ethnic, Racial, and National Identities (2000-present)
20. A Place for Literature and the Arts (2005-present)
21. From Hispanic to Latino and Latinx Philosophy (2000-present)
22. Return to Philosophy through Its History (1990-2000)
23. A Paradigm of Courage (1971-1976)
Epilogue: With a Diamond in My Mind
Jorge J. E. Gracia is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Comparative Literature at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York. His many books include Painting Borges: Philosophy Interpreting Art Interpreting Literature; Images of Thought: Philosophical Interpretations of Carlos Estévez's Art; and Identity, Memory, and Diaspora: Voices of Cuban-American Artists, Writers, and Philosophers, all published by SUNY Press.