Someone's missing.
When your family's lost a loved one, the reminders are everywhere. An empty chair, a silent crib, an unused pillow. You long to return to "normal," but you wonder how your family can live without the loved one you cherish.
Unfortunately, there's no avoiding the pain; each family member will grieve in his or her own way and time. But there is light at the end of the tunnel-hope that you will find joy and unity again.
The journey may not be short or smooth, but David and Nancy Guthrie have traveled it-more than once. With empathy and honesty, they'll guide you through the challenges of keeping your family together and strong. You'll discover practical, compassionate answers to questions like these: How can I help my children cope with losing a parent? Can my marriage survive the loss of a child? When will the pain of losing my spouse stop? How can we honor our loved one's memory-and still "move on"? What's the secret of holding on to our faith-and each other?
At a time when nobody seems to understand, David and Nancy do. Let them, along with others who've walked this road, take your household from hurt to healing.