Cross-Cultural Psychology: Why Culture Matters addresses both established and very recent
research in cultural and comparative cross-cultural psychology. The book is written by Professor
Krum Krumov of Sofia University in Bulgaria and Professor Knud S. Larsen from Oregon State
University. The authors are long-term colleagues with extensive research experience in cultural,
cross-cultural and international settings.
The book starts with a discussion of the tentative nature of cultural information given the forces
of globalization and communication integration. Weighing these issues still permits for some
powerful conclusions about differences that matter as well as human universals based on our
communalities. The reader is also provided with a through grounding in relevant research
approaches and critical thinking that provides the basis for an evaluation of the research literature.
Further, the book reports on what we know about the origin of culture, especially the forces of
cultural transmission and the evidence for socio-cultural evolution. The impact of culture and psychology on human development is
contrasted and evaluated. A chapter on language stresses the importance of evolutionary forces and the relationship to socio-culture. In
turn that discussion sets the stage for reporting the relevant research on cognition that yields information on the impact of genetics, but
also the affect of cultural evolution.
A distinct contribution is the evaluation of human happiness and emotions. The book demonstrates tangible relationships to both the
universal expressions of emotions, but also the impact of cultural values on well-being. A
consideration of personality theory follows in the systematic and progressive discourse in the
book. Research is reported on Western, Eastern and Indigenous conceptualizations and
research approaches. The discussion on the self is considered next and the authors evaluate
cultural, social and comparative cross-cultural dimensions.
Finally, a discussion of sex and gender follows as associated with salient cross-cultural
dimensions. The book concludes with a discussion of the affect of cultural values in organizational
behavior and a consideration of the relationship between culture and human health.