Dr. S.K. Tandon is a Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy and held Professorships at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and IISER Bhopal, India. He was a full Professor at the University of Delhi and the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Delhi. He has published over 100 research papers in geology, sedimentology, climatology and geomorphology.
Dr. Neal Gupta is a researcher and is currently developing an IT-Education and research business called CEdR/academic in Boston, MA that leverages current I/T for educators, scientists and in specific service areas. Formerly, he was a research scientist and adjunct professor in the Department of Science and Technology at Bryant University where he worked in the areas of organic geochemistry, geobiology, and molecular archaeology. He has worked on the biomolecular transformation of organisms such as arthropods and leaves and the geochemistry of plant and arthropod fossils in an attempt to understand the fate of biopolymers such as chitin, lignin, cutin and proteins in modern organisms and their contribution to sedimentary organic matter that has led to several research papers in peer reviewed journals.
Chapter1. Introduction.- Chapter2. Evolving Early Earth: Insights from Peninsular India.- Chapter3. Tracking India within Precambrian supercontinent cycles.- Chapter4. Proterozoic Sedimentary basins of India.- Chapter5. Oxygenation of early atmosphere and potential stratigraphic records from India.- Chapter6. Early life from the Proterozoic sedimentary basins of India.- Chapter7. Geodynamics of Gondwanaland.- Chapter8. Cretaceous Volcanism in Peninsular India: Rajmahal_Sylhet, Deccan Traps.- Chapter9. Phanerozoic Mass Extinctions and Indian Stratigraphic Records.- Chapter10. Geological Evolution of the Himalayan Mountains.- Chapter11. Cenozoic Himalayan foreland basin: an overview and regional perspective of the evolving sedimentary succession.- Chapter12. Active tectonics of Himalayan frontal fault zone in the Sub Himalaya.- Chapter13. Late Quaternary evolution and morphostratigraphic development of the Ganga Plains.- Chapter14. Evolution and development of the Indian Monsoon.- Chapter15. Climate Change over the Indian sub-continent.