Bültmann & Gerriets
Counterterrorism and Open Source Intelligence
von Uffe Wiil
Verlag: Springer Vienna
Reihe: Lecture Notes in Social Networks
E-Book / PDF
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ISBN: 978-3-7091-0388-3
Auflage: 2011
Erschienen am 27.06.2011
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 458 Seiten

Preis: 149,79 €


Counterterrorism and Open Source Intelligence: Models, Tools, Techniques, and Case Studies (Uffe Kock Wiil)


Part I Models


Targeting by Transnational Terrorist Groups (Alexander Gutfraind)


A Framework for Analyst Focus from Computed Significance (David Skillicorn and M.A.J. Bourassa)


Interdiction of Plots with Multiple Operatives (Gordon Woo)


Understanding Terrorist Network Topologies and their Resilience against Disruption (Roy Lindelauf, Peter Borm, and Herbert Hamers, Patricia L. Brantingham, Martin Ester, Richard Frank, Uwe Glässer, and Mohammad A. Tayebi)


Part II Tools and Techniques


Region-based Geospatial Abduction with Counter-IED Applications (Paulo Shakarian and V.S. Subrahmanian)


Finding Hidden Links in Terrorist Networks by Checking Indirect Links of Different Sub-Networks (lan Chen, Shang Gao, Panagiotis Karampelas, Reda Alhajj, and Jon Rokne)


The Use of Open Source Intelligence in the Construction of Covert Social Networks (Christopher J. Rhodes)


A Novel Method to Analyze the Importance of Links in Terrorist Networks (Uffe Kock Wiil, Jolanta Gniadek, and Nasrullah Memon)


A Global Measure for Estimating the Degree of Organization and Effectiveness of Individual Actors with Application to Terrorist Networks (Sara Aghakhani, Khaled Dawoud, Reda Alhajj, and Jon Rokne)


Counterterrorism Mining for Individuals Semantically-Similar to

Watchlist Members (James A. Danowski)


Detection of Illegitimate Emails using Boosting Algorithm (Sarwat Nizamani, Nasrullah Memon, and Uffe Kock Wiil)


Cluster Based Text Classification Model (Sarwat Nizamani, Nasrullah Memon, and Uffe Kock Wiil)


Effectiveness of Social Networks for Studying Biological Agents and Identifying Cancer (Ghada Naji, Mohamad Nagi, Abdallah M. ElSheikh, Shang Gao, Keivan Kianmehr, Tansel Özyer, Jon Rokne, Douglas Demetrick, Mick Ridley, and Reda Alhajj)


Part III Case Studies


From Terrorism Informatics to Dark Web Research (Hsinchun Chen)


Investigating Terrorist Attacks using CDR Data: A Case Study (Fatih Ozgul, Ahmet Celik, Claus Atzenbeck, and Nadir Gergin)


Multilingual Real-Time Event Extraction for Border Security Intelligence Gathering (Martin Atkinson, Jakub Piskorski, Erik Van der Goot, and Roman Yangarber)


Mining the Web to Monitor the Political Consensus (Federico Neri, Carlo Aliprandi, and Furio Camillo)


Exploring the Evolution of Terrorist Networks (Nasrullah Memon, Uffe Kock Wiil, Pir Abdul Rasool Qureshi, and Panagiotis Karampelas)



Part IV Alternative Perspective


The Ultimate Hack: Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth (Robert David Steele)

Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, serious concerns were raised on domestic and international security issues. Consequently, there has been considerable interest recently in technological strategies and resources to counter acts of terrorism. In this context, this book provides a state-of-the-art survey of the most recent advances in the field of counterterrorism and open source intelligence, demonstrating how various existing as well as novel tools and techniques can be applied in combating covert terrorist networks. A particular focus will be on future challenges of open source intelligence and perspectives on how to effectively operate in order to prevent terrorist activities.

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