Since time immemorial, Japan has been inhabited by supernatural creatures, spirits, monsters and demons...Here's your chance to meet them up close and personal!
Strange Japanese Yokai assembles an extraordinary collection of mysterious creatures in every possible shape and size, each with their own unique back story. Some are well-known, others obscure. The one thing they share in common is that they are creepy and weird! The 122 different Yokai described in this book include:Kenji Murakami is a Yokai expert based in Japan. He travels throughout the country researching Yokai traditions. He has published many books on Yokai including the Dictionary of Yokai and the Encyclopedia of Japanese Yokai. He is a member of the World Yokai Association and a facilitator of the Haunted Friends Association.
Zack Davisson is an award-winning translator, writer, and folklorist. He is the author of books like Kaibyo: The Supernatural Cats of Japan, Yurei: The Japanese Ghost, and Yokai Stories, and the translator of books like Soseki Natsume's I Am a Cat and Shigeru Mizuki's multiple Eisner Award-winning Showa: a History of Japan. In addition, his comic work includes Demon Days: X-Men from Marvel, Wayward from Image, and The Art of Star Wars Visions from Dark Horse. He has lectured on manga, folklore, and translation at numerous colleges and contributed to exhibitions at numerous museums. He currently lives in Seattle, WA with his wife Miyuki, dog Mochi, cat Shere Khan, and several ghosts.