This volume consists of one expository paper and two research papers:
T Hirai, A Hora and E Hirai, Introductory expositions on projective representations of groups (referred as [E])
T Hirai, E Hirai and A Hora, Projective representations and spin characters of complex reflection groups G(m, p, n) and G(m, p, ), I;
T Hirai, A Hora and E Hirai, Projective representations and spin characters of complex reflection groups G(m, p, n) and G(m, p, ), II, Case of generalized symmetric groups.
>1). Also we treat explicitly a case of spin type in connection with the case of non-spin type (i.e. of linear representations). A detailed and general account on the so-called Vershik-Kerov theory on limits of characters is added. The paper [II] treats spin irreducible representations and spin characters of generalized symmetric groups (mother groups) for other spin types.